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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Shanghai World Expo 2010 covered by

The Shanghai World Expo 2010 is a once in a lifetime trip to almost all countries in the world from the tiny Caribbean islands to the huge countries such as China, Russia, Germany, and the United States. Arriving in Shanghai its like arriving in a country since it is so huge and inside it sits the world exposition of countries from all over the globe. When you arrive at the 2010 world expo it seems quite tame like arriving a Disney Park, in fact it is reminiscent of Epcot Center because there are is much to see and no two countries are alike. But unlike Disney’s Epcot Center it is huge and cover not only a huge plot of land but two huge plots of land on either side of the river! One of the most exciting things to do is to take the Expo ferry across the river specially at night like we did and enjoy the spectacle of the many countries that can be seen on the riverfront on each side of the river! But it is not only the beautiful and incredibly artistic country pavilions, it is the huge and beautiful Shanghai skyline that also ads to the beauty and the experience, it is like being in a world of your own that resides inside another large world!
 The world expo in Shanghai has sculptures and architecture in the world expo park itself that are beautiful and each country pavilion showing its own world flavour and beauty.  The creativity on each country pavilion is marvelous and when you think you have seen the most creative and most beautiful you turn the corner and there is another even more impressive!  The country buildings and the permanent expo buildings never cease to amaze!  While we were destroyed walking and only saw about ¼ of the expo in about 10 hours inside the expo park, we thoroughly enjoyed the adventure of moving from country to country and seeing all they had to offer without even leaving the Shanghai behind!  Please visit my profile on and you will see also my perspective on Chinese life and the beauty of Shanghai, China!