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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Only One Love is Stronger Than My Love for You—Only One

Author's Note:  This article has been reprinted in several newspapers and has been reposted numerous time on the net since it was released in 2002 by a supporter of mine who know about the press.  You can see the original press release at: 

I love you but I love my addition more,
I love you but I poison your lungs when I smoke next to you,
I love you but I contributed to your asthma, ear infections, and almost killed you with your SIDS,
I love you but when you can’t breathe because of your asthma all I can do is smoke away from you,
I love you but when you get more colds than most, when your lung functions are lower, when you look at me with your feverish eyes, I just need to smoke more to calm my nerves as I worry about you—because I love,
I love you but not enough to care about your health,
I love you enough heroically die for you but not to stop killing myself and you with my smoking,
I love you but you cannot beg me enough to consider my health and save myself for you and save you from the pain I cause you,
I love you but each and every day, 3 times an hour I assault your body with something I know hurts you,
I love you enough but nothing can make me see that I hurt you every day, every waking hour we are together....and at night as you struggle to breathe I sleep calmly and wake first thinking of my nicotine fix even before I check on you I light up,
I am a good mom and I adore you but no matter how much conscious suffering I cause you; my selfish need is more powerful than my love for you!

I Love You But I Knowingly Poison You

Author's Note:  This article has been reprinted in several newspapers and has been reposted numerous time on the net since it was released in 2002 by a supporter of mine who know about the press.  You can see the original press release at: 

When I wanted you I had to work extra hard to overcome the effects of the poison on my body because they tried to stop me from getting pregnant,
When I knew you started growing in me, I thought about it, but selfishly loved the poison too much to stop,
When I felt you kicking as my blood poisoned you, I ignored the signs that I was taking your oxygen away and replacing it with many poisons,
When you were borne underweight and needed to stay in the hospital, I left you alone many times an hour to let my sweet poison calmed my nerves as I worried for you,
I was “ a responsible mom” and fed my addition only when away from you, but because I had to leave you in your crib alone to feed my poison you almost died from SIDS many time, even more than the times I discovered you,
When the asthma left you breathless and your allergies kept you in bed, I held you and told you how much I loved you but was too selfish to quit for your love and your health,
When my doctor warned me I needed to quit to improve my health, I thought only of my fix and not of what I would do to you,
When the last site I saw was your crying eyes next to me as I left this world, I wanted to take it all back but I was leaving my five year old love because I did not love him enough to quit!
If you love your child quit smoking or using tobacco products before you harm them or leave them with the scar of losing a parent. If you do not quit for yourself quit for your child, they deserve their health and yours and they deserve growing to adulthood with their mom by their side!

I Love Nicotine More Than I Love You

Author's Note:  This article has been reprinted in several newspapers and has been reposted numerous time on the net since it was released in 2002 by a supporter of mine who know about the press.  You can see the original press release at: 

I love you,
I love you more than life,
I would give my life for you my daughter.....
But I am too selfish to quit,
I know it hurts you physically and emotionally but I am too addicted to even consider quitting,
My daughter believe me I love you even when I smoke in the car next to you and later hand you your asthma puffer,
My daughter believe me that I love you even if my selfish addition causes me to leave your hospital bedside when you have a respiratory infection I contributed to...just to love my addiction more than you,
My daughter I love you but I cannot consider leaving my addiction even when you beg me to stop because it irritates your eyes and causes you ear infections...I can only think of me at those times,
My daughter I love you and I am so sorry I let you die alone calling for me, when I was adoring the poison that killed you, it was just 5 minutes away from you surely you understand; it called me more than your need for me, but I let you die alone after I took your life away with my poison, my poison let you die alone…and as I used it to calm my nerves as I watched you far from you through the open door of the mortuary because I need it more than I need to feel close to you before they buried you…
My husband I love you but I cannot put your wishes and needs before my addiction, I cannot listen when you beg me to stop for our daughter and for me and you,
My husband I love you and want to be there for you and our daughter but you know I need to smoke to keep my weight down-its a great excuse,
My husband I love you, but all of my friends smoke and I need to fit in, can’t you think of my needs for once when you ask me to quit after our daughters gets her bad asthmas attacks?
My husband I love you but you know I cannot stop because I need my addiction to make my life complete,
I know you love me but stop being selfish and think of me, I need to have a little pleasure in life, I don’t complain when you snore all night long, please do not give me guilt trips when you and our daughters get a cold more often than others,
My husband I would give my life for you so please do not tell me that my skin is aging fast, my voice is like that of an old lady, and my breathe smells like an ashtray, I love you but not even my love is stronger than my need for my fix.....
My daughter I love you and wanted you to live a long healthy life, but even when faced with your cancer, and knowing I contributed to it, I still leave your bedside to go to my addiction for comfort....

My husband, my sickly daughter, I love you both more than life itself, even when I literarily help take the life out of you and me!